ActionScript & Events

JiFile per Joomla!

JiFile è una componente per Joomla! che permette di indicizzare il contenuto dei file(PDF, DOC, ecc.) per poter effettuare delle ricerche al loro interno.

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JoomPhoto Mobile

JoomPhoto Mobile è una componente per Joomla! che ti permette di condividere le foto dal tuo dispositivo Android sul tuo portale Joomla!.

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iFile Framework

IFile è un framework open source scritto interamente in PHP, permette l'indicizzazione dei contenuti testuali di un documento (DOC, PDF, EXCEL, etc) e una rapida ricerca all'interno degli stessi.

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Easy Language

Easy Language è un plugin per la gestione semplice ed immediata di testi multilingua in ogni parte possibile di joomla, articoli, componenti, moduli, metadata, template, altri componenti(esempio K2) ecc.

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Article Book Effect

Article Book Effect
Visualizza gli articoli di Joomla con l'effetto volta pagina di un libro. Questo plugin consente di visualizzare il contenuto di un articolo Joomla come un vero e proprio libro o una rivista, utilizzando tutti i vantaggi di HTML5

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Article Book Effect
La più famosa Android App che ti permette di stampare le foto tessere per i tuoi documenti con il tuo smartphone Android, in modo semplice ed intuitivo.

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Ombra pazza 3D

Ombra pazza 3D
Ombra Pazza è il puzzle game 3D frenetico e divertente per Android! Prova a ruotare le forme portandole nella posizione delle proprie ombre senza mai fallire! Risolvi una dopo l'altra tutte le combinazioni dei livelli di gioco.

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Admin Countdown

Admin Countdown
Modulo per Joomla! 2.5 e 3.x visualizza nella parte di amministrazione del sito, un timer con il conto alla rovescia del tempo rimanente della tua sessione.

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ActionScript & Events

In order to let users to interact with your web application, you can develop using action script AS3 as you normally do with Javascript in html pages.
You can insert your AS3 code both into the script tag and directly in the declaration of the tag, in responding to an event as shown in the example below.

<html style="height:100%">
    <body style="height:100%">
        <div style="height:100%;width:100%">
                    function warn() {
                        import mx.controls.Alert;
              "You have clicked me!","You did");
            <input id="inp1" type="submit" value="Click Me" onClick="warn()"/>

Into your AS code you can import all the classes of the Flex Framework you want to use; further Frontal gives you the interaction with two Frontal classes, the ApplicationContext class and the ModuleContext class.


Into AS code this class can be referenced with appCtx; you can access to every component in the application with the getComp method passing the id attribute value of the component; in the ApplicationContext class there is, also, the property local; this property is an object you can utilize for store and read variables.



Into AS code this class can be referenced with ctx, you can access to every component in the current Frontal module with the getComp method passing the id attribute value of the component.


Here is the list of the event you can integrate into your html content:

onClick dispatched on the mouse click on a component and turned into a Flex MouseEvent.
onChange dispatched on the selection of an item in a list component, or when the value of an input field changes; it is turned into a Flex Event.
itemRollOver dispatched when the mouse pointer rolls onto a Menu item and turned into a Flex MenuEvent.
creationComplete dispatched when the component has finished its construction, property processing, measuring, layout, and drawing; turned into a Flex FlexEvent.
onLoad the same as the creationComplete event.
dataChange dispatched when the data property changes; this is a property of the Flex Framework components important when these components are used as renderers; turned into a Flex FlexEvent.
onMouseOver dispatched when the user moves a pointing device over a component; turned into a Flex MouseEvent.
onMouseOut dispatched when the user moves a pointing device away from a component; turned into a Flex MouseEvent.
onMouseDown dispatched when a user presses the pointing device button over a component; turned into a Flex MouseEvent.
onMouseUp dispatched when a user releases the pointing device button over a component; turned into a Flex MouseEvent.
onKeyPress dispatched when the user presses a key; turned into a Flex KeyboardEvent.
onFocus dispatched after a display object gains focus; turned into a Flex FocusEvent.
onBlur dispatched after a display object loses focus; turned into a Flex FocusEvent.
onDblClick dispatched when a user presses and releases the main button of a pointing device twice in rapid succession over the same component; turned into a Flex MouseEvent.


In the event listener function or, directly in the event attribute in the declaration of the tag, Frontal passes also the event object so it can be accessed by your AS code.

<html style="height:100%">
    <body style="height:100%">
        <div style="height:100%;width:100%">
                    function warn() {
                        import mx.controls.Alert;
                        var localId : String =;
              "You have clicked the " + localId + " button!","You did");
            <input id="inp1" type="submit" value="Click Me" onClick="warn()"/>
            <input id="inp2" type="submit" value="Click Me"
                   onClick="import mx.controls.Alert;
                  'You have clicked the ' + + ' button!','You did again');"/>
PHP Classes


November 2013