JiFile for Joomla!

JiFile is a component for Joomla! that allows you to index file contents (PDF, DOC, etc..) to perform searches in them.

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JoomPhoto Mobile

JoomPhoto Mobile is a component for Joomla! that allows you to share the photos from your Android device to your site Joomla.

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iFile Framework

IFile is an open source framework written entirely in PHP, allows the indexing of textual content of a document (DOC, PDF, EXCEL, etc.) and a quick search within them.

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Easy Language

Easy Language is a plugin for easy and immediate management of multilingual texts in every possible area of joomla, articles, components, modules, metadata, template, other components(example K2) etc.

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Article Book Effect

Article Book Effect
View Joomla articles with the effect turns the page of a book. This plugin will display the contents of an article in Joomla as a real book or magazine, using all the benefits of HTML5

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Passport photo

Passport photo
The most popular Android app that allows you to print photos cards for your documents with your Android smartphone, in a simple and intuitive way.

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Crazy Shadow

Crazy Shadow
Crazy Shadow is the 3D fast-paced and fun puzzle Android game! Try to rotate and drag shapes in the position of their shadows without fail! Solve in succession all combinations of levels of the game.

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Admin Countdown

Admin Countdown
Module for Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x displays in the administration part of the site, a timer with countdown of the time remaining in your session.

Learn more...  Demo



  • The installation fails with the message "There was an error uploading this file to the server".
The JiFile installation file weighs more than 3Mb and some servers have an upload limit of 2MB,
for this reason should increase the setting "upload_max_filesize" in php.ini to at least 4Mb.
If you can not do it alone, ask the manager of your host to increase the value.

Another solution may be to decrease the weight of the JiFile installation file:
remove from the zip the folders of operating systems that you don't need, example if you use linux you can delete the windows folder.
Following the paths of these folders:

for Joomla 1.5 in admin/ifile/adapter/helpers/binaries/
for Joomla 1.7 in packages/ -> com_jifile-1.0.5_j17.zip -> admin/ifile/adapter/helpers/binaries/
Now install JiFile.

  • In the backend I see white page.
There may be some error that blocks the component.
To understand what is the error you must enable Error Reporting to do so follow the path:
Site > Configuration > Server settings section
Change Error Reporting to "Maximum".
Now you receive the error, take note and write it on our forum to get support immediately and solve the problem.

  • Error "Call to a member function query() on a non-object".
This happens when you created the folder of index (Index path) manually, then we must delete it, will then be created automatically.

  • The Report Check System for Zend show me "Exists but Wrong version".
This is not a real error but a warning that the version is not recommended, because the component does the same but could give problems in particular cases.

Anyway it is better to update the Zend libraries, just download it from this link:
take the folder "Zend" from the downloaded package, which is under "ZendFramework-1.11.11-minimal/library" and copy it in the path indicated by the reports Check.

  • What is the purpose of the folder ifile_index?
It is used to contain files (index) that the component creates automatically when a document is indexed, these files are also used for research.
Is very important for correct operation, so do not add, modify or delete files manually.

  • Why is only displayed the introtext field and not the contents of files?
The content of the documents will only be "indexed" and not historicized as is done for the field "introtext" (which displays only the first 200 characters of the full text), then you can perform searches on all of the content but you cannot access.
This choice was made for two reasons:
  1. Historicizing also the content the index folder quickly become huge with great loss of performance. In fact we would go to "clone" the disk space needed since in addition to the physical file (PDF, DOC, etc) we would also have the text saved on disk, and in some cases hosting space is expensive.
  2. Since the library indexes documents PDF, DOC etc., in our opinion it was unnecessary to overflow with text that is easily recoverable by viewing the same file that contains.

  • Error while indexing "Unknown Error"
They can be many problems for this error, but the principal is the memoryLimit, that is when the system reaches the memory limit set for execution of the script.
To solve to go into the JiFile configuration (Config icon) and set the field "memoryLimit" at least 128 or even 512.
If this does not solve the problem please contact us in the forum and we will try to help.

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PHP Classes

by isApp.it

November 2013

Supported file

  • .rtf

  • .mp3

  • .jpg - .jpeg

  • .tiff

  • .doc

  • .docx

  • .xls

  • .xlsx

  • .pptx

  • .ods

  • .odt

  • .pdf

  • .txt

  • .htm - .html

  • .xml